Thursday, August 14, 2008

Self Driven Learning v/s Curriculum Schedules

Just wondering: do curriculum goals stifle spontaneous learning? Feeling the pressure of the end of the book looming at us, but man are the bugs so cool right now or what? We need to get our math done, but would rather play Yahtzee, or cards. My inner voice (and the hubby on the outside) says that's not enough. How hard it is to break free from how we were schooled. Contrary to public school belief, we are capable of learning things without it being forced upon us.

But still I am constantly torn between self driven learning and curriculum based learning. Even curriculum that uses living books can get dull when we are following someone else's schedule. So long as we learn everything we need to know, who cares what order its in? Am I trying to convince myself or someone else? As I would say to my daughters, "Yes."

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