Friday, March 14, 2008

Keeping the kids room clean

Andy's fishing, and I am cleaning brass and the girls' room. Whew! It is a mess. Wish it were an easier task. It has been out of hand since before Christmas, with a few mock cleanings mingled in. Our new plan is to remove all but a small container of stuffed animals. Everything else is getting put out of sight. After 2 weeks of having a clean room the girls will be able to choose one toy or small container of related toys to return to their room. Then they again must show that they are willing to keep their room clean for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks of a clean room, they may again choose a toy to bring out. I hope to find that they forget about the toys that aren't important to them and they can be removed from the house. De-cluttering at its finest. Now I can't get this job done typing in my blog. Tune in later for an update on our cleaning adventure.

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